Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day

If forgot I had my camera, so I missed taking pictures of a beautifully set table and a great dinner. Poor Marlene was sick and stayed in her bedroom most of the day but the rest of us had a wonderful dinner and enjoyed playing cards afterwards.

Merry Christmas Hank

Santa was really good to Hank, he got a new plane for Christmas.

He did a great job on flying this little guy for the first time, but the wind picked up near the end. So, we couldn't fly it as long as we had planned.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Christmas Eve

A nice warm fire on Christmas Eve, you can't beat that. But we had to head out to help fill the bags with sand, put the candles in them, a mile of them on both sides of the street. After everyone finished lighting them at 5:30, we settled down for some great food and friends until Lillie using her hands talking, as normal, hit a fire grille and burn her hand. Geez.

But we had a great evening. Merry Christmas Everyone...we love and miss you all.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Friday in Atlanta

After we were picked up, we drove to the outlet mall first thing to head for the Coach outlet. Katherine picked up a small purse but we did find the great finds there while we walking around.

Finally, we arrived at Rebecca's house 12 hrs. after starting my morning adventure, I was whipped. Grammie surprised the kids, they didn't know I was coming.
They gave me a tour of their new house. "Then let the games begin." We made a ginger bread house, iron on plastic ornaments, colored, played card games etc. What a fun time!

Saturday in Atlanta

Saturday was probably our busiest day in my short trip. We woke up really early because Santa stopped with a few deliveries. We opened packages, built Leggo stuff, painted, colored, and played games until Grammie was worn out. Something was different, I didn't have to cook Christmas lunch, the girls were in the kitchen with Jim, cooking Mr. Turkey, making yams, bean casserole, rolls, cookies, pies, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes...the house smelled great.

2pm finally rolled around and Johnny, Elaina, Kathy and Charlie arrived. I was so excited to see them. It was finally just like it use to be when they were young except John wasn't there. The teasing and reminiscing began and continued through the evening until the picturnairy challenge began. Ansley, Johnny, Kathy and I against Rebecca, Kathy, Elaina and Jim. It was so funny but Grammie's team won.

Of course, Grammie and Jim had to take the kids out to have shooting lessons at the coke cans.
We had a fabulous time Talafous family, please lets do it again.

Sunday Shopping

Sunday we did some Shopping at the Mall. The kids got gift cards for Christmas, so we bought clothes for School. We just happen to see Santa there. We also had a nice lunch at Applebee's. Then returned home for more games, crafts and a movie.

Monday in Atlanta

Today, we are driving to Alpharetta to pick up my Mom for lunch. Of course, we visited at her new facility. The place was really very nice and she seems to be enjoying it. She looks great but she is acting like a teenager.

The pictures are of 4 generations: My Mom, me, Katherine and Rebecca, Ansley and Gabe.
Pretty amazing from 93 to 6.
Then we took my Mom to a BQ place to have lunch. This wasn't even half the family. Suzanne,Steve, Steve, Paula, Zack, Hunter, Rebecca, Jim, Ansley,Gabe, Katherine, Mary, Bill, Kelly, Helen, Becky, Jim, Bobbie(My Mom), and Me.
What fun!

Becky and Jerry's house

Katherine and I spent the last evening with Becky and Jerry. She had a great pot roast dinner with potatoes, fresh squash, green beans, of course, some great wine.

Katherine and I learned to play two card games, golf and seven. We played to after 10pm. I am so messed up on the time zones.

I awoke at 4am to a Bose radio going some coffee and the paper and waiting until everyone woke up at 630. We took a nice walk, ate great pumpkin waffles, played more cards games then off we went to the airport. There Katherine and I depart our separate ways, her north and me west.

What a great time with Family! Thank you all very much.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

friend turns 60

What a fun 60th surprise BD for Avis tonight.

We had a great fun time, so did Larry

Monday, December 13, 2010

Water Volleyball Party

There is always a Party somewhere in the Park everyday...this one is out by the pool. We had just played volleyball for 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon. I am exhausted!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Our Joint Quilt

Our quilt is really coming along. We are now working on the sides, when that is finished, off to the quilting machine.

A visit with Friends in Robeson

Last night we went down to Terry and Larry's house to play cards and have pizza. Terry is a decorator, that is for sure. Her house is gorgeous!

I guess after living in a 5th wheel...they could get lost in there.
We had a great time with Southerns from Florida and North Carolina!.

Friday, December 10, 2010

"Southern Night"

It is hard to believe this is our 4th year coming to Palm Creek. We have such a great time with our friends. One of the parties that continues to be fun is Southern Night. It started with the transplants from the south residing on the west coast for winter. We all missed home. So, tonights dinner goes something like this, collard greens, pulled pork, pot roast, black-eyes peas, pinto bean, country ham, corn bread, deviled eggs, corn dishes, slaw, chicken and dumplings, apple pie, banana pudding. I don't think I could possibly remember everything on that table. Their were 40 people at my RV sharing in this great evening. Ya'll Come Back, You Hear!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Davy and Mickie arrived to Casa Grande

We have been busy since they arrived showing them around the park, watching out for the walkers and canes. We started off Friday night with a Parade of Golf Carts. This consisted of 10 Carts,lol.

Then as we preceded to drive home, the people on the sides of the street thought we were the parade so I started throwing candy and yelling "Merry Christmas". I laughed until I thought I would have stitches.
Saturday brought on a early garage sale, which I participated. After that was over, we went and played Pickleball. Then watching some college football, grilling out then they went to the hot tub. I played some water volleyball while Mickie got a little sun tan.
Sunday, we went to Church, they went to Denny's. We met up later. Hank and Davy played golf, and Mickie and I went to the Mall. We met at the 19th hole at Pam and Mikes, for prune juice. We also went around the park taking pictures for Mickey.
It is Monday Morning, what is in store for today.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The weather changed quickly

After Church, we were attending a brunch. The wind picked up, it started drizzling, and temperatures drop. But did that stop 50 people?? nah...Food and friends, it was really nice.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

After 4 days, I get to watch

Yesterday, the winds were calm, the weather was gorgeous so Hank invited me to watch him fly. His take offs were great, and the landing were good until the last one....the winds picked up and the plane starting to come after me and I had to hide under that table Hank is leaning against. (lol) We had a great time.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hank decided to take up a new hobbie.

Yesterday, Hank went over and flew his airplane for the first time.

I wasn't allowed to go because I think I might have made him nervous. I really think it is just another "Man Cave" thing, without the cave. They take their coffee, leave at 7am, batteries last 15mins. but they are gone 2 hrs. You do the math. The guys bragged on him and said he did a great job and the plane came back in one piece.
So, I guess he will be going back. He had a great time.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pickleball class with Mark Freiddnberg clinic

The last two days, I have attended a Pickleball class. It was very interesting with 2 of the best in the Nation demonstrating. I was exhausted by the end of the first day 9-4pm. I learned alot even though I may never be any good at this sport.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Jean

With Marlene and Hank gone for the week, Bob, Rod , Jean and I celebrated her birthday at Mimi's. It was a very enjoyable dinner with great friends. Afterwards, we went to Rods for Oreo ice cream cake. Happy Birthday Jean

Sunday, November 7, 2010

No place like home.

I have decided to purchase some plants to make our place like home.

Girls night In

Last night some girls came over and we had drinks outside under the beautiful sky. Then moved in doors to play some games. One table played Pegs and Jokers, the other skip-bo. We had a great time. It is fun meeting new friends.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Party at Kay and Ken's

There is a party just about every night here but I am always forgetting my camera. We are having a great time walking every single morning. The mornings are cooler but days are still in the high 80's or low 90's. Remember you are always welcome to come visit.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Golfer like Loretta

Last night when we came home from playing Games....the Golfer was at the front door. He didn't stay long to visit, as you can see, he has already moved on in the park to a new location.

A visit from Debbie and Doug on the way to VEGAS

We look forward to our yearly visit from Debbie and Doug. I am like a kid in the candy store.

We relax and laugh alot. What a great medicine for all that ails us! Enjoy Vegas and good luck at the races.


Saturday, we headed down to watch the parachuters. We watched 10-14 planes drop 20-30 people per plane.

Debbie hair seems to attract things, because a jumper just missed her head coming in for a landing....we heard a big swish right before he hit ground. lol.

Desert-Sonora Museum, Tucson

Last weekend Debbie and Doug arrived parking next to us!

We had a great time. We played pickleball, a little volleyball, a new card game and ate alot of food. We walked the doggies everywhere. But, we had a great experience in the desert. We saw rattlesnakes, scorpions and black widows.
We were able to watch a family of falcons fly over us and physically touched Debbies' hair when they came in to land, wow!
Wonderful Hot day.