Saturday, January 26, 2008

Stir Crazy

Well, it has been a week since Becky and Jerry left and a week of being sick and stuck inside. I have greatly improved but Hank is still coughing and still on an antibiotic. I hope today will be a turning point for him. I went to Dr. yesterday and he ran some MORE test and will let me know results next Thursday...the night before we leave for home.
While I have been homebound, I have played next years adventure. We are going through St. Louis, Kansas and then 1 month in Colorado, 1month in Utah then to Becky's, New Mexico for Balloon Rally and return to Casa Grande for the winter!
Sounds like a plan!

Hopefully, I will have more to write about this week and the weeks to follow. I also hope the weather will be good and no snow storms to drive through.

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